So I’m a little fired up about this topic right now and I’m extra fired up now because I just wrote this whole huge entire post about this and somehow it got deleted so I’m super pissed. Ugh.
So I’m gonna try to remember everything that I said because I can’t find the post anywhere. So note to self I am publishing my posts right in the beginning and then just editing them. I suggest you do the same for fear of losing something freaking amazing.
In calling myself the rich hot super mom people mainly my husband and mother have said that I sound ungrateful and of noxious with my current life because I want more in my life.
I think this is utter nonsense and completely ridiculous!
I know that it appears that my life is and should be perfect because I seemingly have everything I could ever possibly want but it’s just not the case.
I’m not ungrateful or unappreciative for or unhappy in my current life though.
I don’t think these two things are mutually exclusive. Isn’t it possible that I could be happy but still want more opportunities for myself and my family and for the people that I touch in my life? Why does that make me a bad person?
Does it make me greedy? Is it greedy to want more money (which I have to tell you I view as a tool for creating the experiences and obviously buying things for the betterment of my life and those around me) and to further increase my quality and standard of living?
Why is it so socially unacceptable to dream bigger and bigger and bigger? I don’t care what you are dreaming about in your life why do you care about what I’m dreaming about?
I guess it’s because people have blocks around money because of what we’ve been taught throughout our lives. That rich people are bad and Having more money just makes you have more problems in your life.
I just don’t buy it. I know tons of rich people that are super really nice.
Is it a crime to want nice things in your life and nice experiences for you and your family? I don’t think it is. I want those things for you and your family why wouldn’t you want them for me in mine?
Why do you even care what I dream about in my life? Of what consequence is it to you? Just because I have more than other people doesn’t mean that they can’t also create more for themselves. The earth and world and universe are full of abundance and there’s more than enough abundance to go around for everyone. There’s an infinite amount of abundance that can be created, it’s not as if I have more means you have less, that’s not how it works.
I think that most of us could agree that if someone was telling a little child to stop dreaming so big and that something more impossible, we would all think that that person was an asshole. Why as adults are we any different?
Dream as big and it’s huge and is massive and as expensive as you possibly can because what it does is expands your paradigm to what is possible for you. Quit having limiting beliefs for yourself and certainly don’t have limiting beliefs for other people.