If you’ve ever been to Bikram Yoga then you know that the teacher has a specific dialogue that they say for the entire class. Each posture has a name that they say and then they tell you EXACTLY what to do with your body to get into the posture.
The first class you’re ever in, you just do what they say, you follow the directions, they aren’t optional, it’s what you’re supposed to do to get into the posture properly to receive maximum benefits, so you do it.
After you’ve been going for awhile though you begin to anticipate the postures and you begin to talk yourself out of doing it because you know what they entail. This is your mistake.
Do not give yourself a choice here-JUST FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!
I think in Bikram they also say something like, mind to body, or is it “hear it do it”…
I can’t remember exactly anyway the point is that the teacher says what to do and you hear it and your body does it before your brain can get in the way of your success!
This is the point to remember in all areas of your life, don’t let your negative thoughts get in the way of your success. Don’t give yourself an option – pretend that you work for someone else and they’ll fire you if you need to to get done what you need to do.
For example, if I was paying me to be my housekeeper, I’d fire myself FOR SURE! I’ve been totally slacking. What I know I need to do and what I want to do are two very different things. There in lies the problem.
Dave Ramsey – I listen to The Dave Ramsey Show all the time and I love it and know that he is changing lives with his mission. If you haven’t heard of Dave Ramsey and have debt in your financial life, even if you’re debt free, check him out ASAP so you can change your life.
The other day a couple were on air with him doing their “Debt-Free Scream” (which I love and find so inspiring and I get chills and almost cry every time the families yell, “WE’RE DEBT FREE!”) and the man equated not using credit cards and saying no to buying things of any kind on credit to already knowing that you aren’t going to use drugs in your life.
He made the point that you’ve already made up your mind about a lot of things that you will and won’t do in your life because they’re morally not in line with your character and beliefs.
Treat using credit cards (or any other bad habit you want to quit and any good habit you want to start) the same way.
When you don’t have to in the heat of the moment of life try to decide it the thing you want to do is something you will or won’t do, when you’re mind is already made up, things are much easier.
This can apply to everything. This is the power of creating habits. (There’s a great book on habits called, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, that I read years ago and need to reread that helped me stop biting my nails.)
Here are some things that I’m making a decision about for myself for today and beyond.
- I do not buy anything with a credit card…hmmm… (This was really hard to even just type – I’m not sure I can do it ?? I LOVE my COSTCO Visa card and get cash back ?…maybe I can work this into the budget somehow to be the card that we only use at Costco and it’s paid off every month on autopay from the checking account.?!?.!? WTF! This is hard. Except it’s not. I know the right answer. Damn it.
- I only go to Costco every 3 weeks
- I’m making a cleaning and chore chart for myself so that my house isn’t in total disarray and I feel like I’m suffocating and can’t get anything else done. It’s not that hard if I just keep up with it.
- I’m making myself a meal planning and cooking binder and never again not knowing what’s for dinner.
Ok that’s enough for now. My hands are sweating.
I’m on my 2017 Rich Hot SuperMom Dream Life Manifestation Challenge mission to finally put into action all of the ideas I’ve simply been talking about for way too long. This is my year and it’s yours too.
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KNOW THIS ~ You ARE a #RichHotSuperMom NOW, have an #AttitudeOfGratitude because #YouArentGettingTodayBack so start manifesting your dream life today!
❤️ Ashly Simpson Heyniger