I’m on a mission in 2017 to change my reality into the life of my dreams and I hope that you’ll be inspired to join me and to dream up and manifest the life of your dreams!
I’m so excited! I’m starting! Yay! No more excuses and laziness. 2017 is the year that I’m shaking things up around here. Starting what you ask, my next level of Rich Hot SuperMom upgrading! Join me!
Ok so it’s midweek…why didn’t I begin on a Monday? Because it doesn’t matter when you begin whatever it is your starting! Not even birth control…they make those handy stickers that you can label the pack with. That reminds me…
If you want to join in on the challenge you can join my free Facebook group here and share your journey with us, stay accountable and follow along for motivation.
The challenge is this:
EVERYDAY…Yes everyday, you can do it! What it’s not important enough for you to prioritize? It’s only your life! #HaveASenseofUrgency people
Want Help? Sign up for daily email reminders with journaling prompt printable, quick links to Facbook group for sharing and ideas for actions to take.
- Mindset Work – journal for at least 10 minutes about what your dream life is – dream HUGE and repeat and add and take away and don’t hold back in any area – there are no limits to what you can manifest, the Universe knows no difference between $50 or $50 Million Dollars – do this DAILY (Bonus points for doing this am and pm – DOUBLE bonus points for sharing in the Facebook Group ????)
- Attitude of Gratitude – Tell us in the RHSM Facebook Group on the daily Attitude of Gratitude thread, what makes you a #RichHotSuperMom each and everyday (you can be repetitive here if you want to or you can come up with 365 (less now bc I know it’s almost February) different reasons why – there are no rules here –
- One Actionable Item – Do at least 1 thing toward creating your dream life goals – Manifesting your dream life takes ACTION baby,
Remember, incrementally upgrading your life is what we’re doing here. Day by day you’re increasing your attitude of gratitude vibration and getting clear on what you’re asking the universe for, you WILL begin to receive things (money, people, material things, opportunities, whatever you’re asking for so be SPECIFIC) don’t be scared, be thankful and ask for more!
You are a #RichHotSuperMom now and #YouArentGettingTodayBack so please #HaveASenseOfUrgency with how you’re living your life and make the decision now to manifest the life you’ve been dreaming of because baby, this is NOT a dress rehearsal.